Sunday, March 31, 2013

Roads 23 & 24

We were back on the road the very next weekend, and explored two Rustic Roads near Waupaca.

Rustic Road 23  6/18/2011

Map of Rustic Road 23
Rustic Road 23 begins in the cute little town of Rural, and travels west on Rural Road through Harman Creek State Park.  It is a paved road and is 3.6 miles long.  This road crosses the scenic Crystal River three times.

Rustic Road 24  6/18/2011

Rustic Road 24 follows Emmons Creek Road and passes a very unusual homestead.  The road is paved and travels 2.7 miles through stands of native pines and hardwoods.

 Here's that homestead.  The house, outbuildings, fence, etc are all "decorated" with found items.  We think it is where leftover rummage sale stuff goes to retire and live out the rest of its non-useful life.

 This sweet baby paused long enough to let me snap her picture.
 I love the way the trees canopy over the roadway.
This farm has been in existence for over 150 years.

The little town of Rural, Wisconsin was an absolute gem.  I'll give it the honor of it's very own post next week.


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